
Age Discrimination in New Jersey

Age Discrimination in New Jersey

nursing home neglectAge discrimination is a fact of life as the Baby Boom generation ages and starts getting pushed out of the workforce when they’re not leaving voluntarily. Now, age discrimination has two different flavors. There is the federal Age Discrimination and Employment Act which protects workers who are 40 years of age and older from an adverse job action such as a dismissal because of their age. New Jersey has its own law against discrimination, which encompasses age as a protective class, and there it doesn’t matter if you’re 40 or not. If you can show a difference between your age and the age of the person who replaced you, you have a colorable claim. Each circumstance, if you prove your case that you were discriminated against on the basis of age, you can recover counsel fees and cost, compensatory damages under the state law but not under the federal law, and back wages, and possibly reinstatement. Those are the options available to you under either one of the actions.

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