
Age Discrimination on the Job in New Jersey

Age Discrimination on the Job in New Jersey

ageism discriminationWith the aging of the Boomer generation, we’re getting more calls from New Jersey employees who feel that they’re being let go because of their age. For example, we got a call recently from an individual who had been working for a company for 25 years. He was let go. His boss told him that he was let go because there just wasn’t enough work. He found out about a month later that the company had just hired someone who was fresh out of college. He wanted to know if he had an age discrimination claim. We told him that based strictly on what he told us there might be on there, but we have to look and see what kind of job he was doing before he was let go. That is what type of job or role he played and what part in the organization he was and determine whether this younger person really was hired to fill his slot or to fill the slot of the person who took his job over. The mere fact that a younger person was hired, maybe for an entirely different job, doesn’t tell us that there was age discrimination. It requires more of an investigation, but the smell certainly is there.

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