
How to Stop Uncomfortable Comments Made in the Workplace

How to Stop Uncomfortable Comments Made in the Workplace

shutterstock_203623750A problem that we encounter with some frequency at the workplace in New Jersey is that people get loose around each other and start making comments that, generally speaking, are unacceptable these days. For example, we once had an employee come in complaining about comments being made by her coworkers that were disparaging of blacks, homosexuals, and other minorities, and she wanted to know what she could do. Now, she wasn’t a victim of sexual harassment; they weren’t bothering her, but she heard these comments, and she was offended by them. Well, we advised her to report these incidents and this behavior to her company and let them deal with the issue, because there is simply no room for that kind of behavior in the workplace in New Jersey anymore. Now, in this case, it worked. The company came down, investigated, and managed to get everybody on the same page as far as proper behavior. Sometimes it doesn’t work, though, in which case you really need to have a conversation with an experienced employment attorney to determine what your rights are.

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